In one of the biggest and up-to-date rental fleets, you will find exactly the right crane for your needs. Selferecting, tower or mobile crane, you can choose all from one source. In case of tower crane rental we offer you individual technical support and a lot of other services.
Samo dizalica u savršenom stanju može ostvariti profit za Vas. LIEBHERR kranovi su koncipirani za rad u teškim uslovima, njihove perfomansesu odlične, čak i u teškim situacijama za dizanje,neovisno od toga koliko gradilište izazovno može biti.Visokokvalitetna izrada za pouzdan kontinuirani rad.
High quality production for reliable and continuous work. Easy access for maintenance enables minimum standstill time. Ergonomically designed driver's cabins enable comfort no matter how long the working day gets.